Friday 17 November 2017

How To Setup Calendar Events By Locations (Doc ID 1917689.1)


 In Fusion HCM, Public Holidays are defined as Calendar Events which are linked to a country or locations via a Geography Tree. A global Work Schedule is then defined with the Public Holidays specified as Exceptions.

This document illustrates how to set up a Geography Tree, and a Calendar Event for use in HCM Work Schedules.


 The document is part of a series of high level articles with the intention of explaining how to set up work schedules with a view to monitoring worker availability in Fusion HCM.


1. Define Geographic Regions
 To create Geographic Regions use lookup type “ORA_PER_GEOGRAPHIC_TREE_NODES”
      Navigate to Manage Common Lookups
      Search for lookup type “ORA_PER_GEOGRAPHIC_TREE_NODES”
    Add all the Geographic regions that you require in the look up codes.
    It should be noted that the values entered in the lookup code should NOT be the same as the country abbreviations, such as DE, US, IN etc.
2. Define Geography Tree
     Navigate to Manage Geography Trees
    Click Create
     Enter Details and Click next
     Click Next
     Click Submit
     Select “NE Fast Bank India” in the search results and click on create Tree Version

     Enter the details and click Next
    Click ok

     Click on Add button
    Change the Data Source to “Geographic Tree Calendar Event Data Source”
    And this will show all the locations created under lookup “ORA_PER_GEOGRAPHIC_TREE_NODES”
    Select Global and add to the nodes
    Click ok
    Select Global and Click on Add
     Select the locations and move them under selected nodes

    Click ok
    Click Submit
    The following message will be displayed:
    Tree version NE Fast Bank India Version 1 for tree NE01 created successfully
    and the Specify Nodes page should now look like this.

     Row Flatten Tree Version
    From Search Results screen, select the Tree Version row and do Actions -> Flatten -> Row Flattening. This is a technique to make the retrieval of the tree faster.
    Click on Online Flattening

    Click Ok
    Click Done.
     Do Online Audit
     From Search Results screen, select the Tree Version row, and do Actions ->Audit.
    Click on Online Audit button from Tree Audit Result page.

   Click on Online Audit

   A successful audit looks like this
   Click Done
    Activate Tree Version
   Finally from Search Results screen, select the Tree Version row and do Actions -> Set Status -> Active
   Click Active

   The following message will be displayed:

   'Status of tree version NE FAST Bank India Version 1 changed to ACTIVE'
3. Create Calendar Event
    Public Holidays now need to be created for each of the countries, and attached to the respective node in the Geography Tree.

   Using Manage Calendar Events task, click on Create Icon, and enter Name, Category, Date, and Short Name of the Public Holiday. Then under Coverage, choose the Hierarchy Type   of Geographic, and the Hierarchy previously created.
   Expand the Global Node, click on the Locations to whom the Public Holiday is associated, and click on the Include Icon.

   Select Hierarchy Type as Geographic and Hierarchy as NE Fast Bank India.
   Select the regions for which the public holiday is applicable
4. Add Calendar Event to the Work Schedule
   Once Public Holidays have been entered as Calendar Events for all the regions, an exception can be added to the global Work Schedule so that they are regarded as Off Period, and  workers in that region will be Unavailable for work on that day.

   Click Submit.
5. Assign Geographic Hierarchy to the location
    Navigate to Manage Locations à select your location and change the Geographic Hierarchy

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