Thursday 4 May 2023

Alerts Example - Send Consolidated Email to Manager

Create a resource alert from Tools - Alerts Composer

Resource - workers


Add Filter

Resource - workers

Expression -

exists ( Select 'x' from per_all_people_f p where p.person_id =${PersonId} and p.person_number in ('1001','1002','1003'))

Click Apply

Add Template

Click on Manage Recipients and Messages

Give the below in Communication Method as Mail, Expression as ${AlertUtils.toString(AlertUtils.empManagerList(workers.PersonId).WorkEmail)}

Group by - ${AlertUtils.toString(AlertUtils.empManagerList(workers.PersonId).WorkEmail)}

Add below text as message Text

This is a test email. The email is being sent to managers of below person numbers.

${AlertUtils.write("<table border=\"1\"> <tbody><tr><th>Person Number</th> <th>Person Name</th>")}

Click Apply

Click Save and Close

Now run and test the alert.

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