Monday 30 October 2017

Deleting a pending transaction in SSHR

Oracle has provided a profile option to allow deletion of pending transaction in SSHR(including absence).
HR:Enable Initiator to Delete a Pending-Approval Transaction
I needed to do this when the client requested for one of the transactions to be deleted, as the transaction went to an inactive approver.

When you set this profile option to Yes at any one of the levels: site, application, responsibility (Manager Self-Service and Employee Self-Service) or at the user level, the Delete icon is enabled on the following pages:

  • All Actions Awaiting your Attention (Employee Self-Service responsibility)
  • Personal Actions (Employee Self-Service responsibility)
  • All Actions Awaiting your Attention (Manager Self-Service responsibility)
  • Manager Actions (Manager Self-Service responsibility)

Initiators can view the transactions in the Pending Approval stage and delete the transactions prior to approval.
When an initiator deletes a transaction that is pending approval, Oracle SSHR performs the following actions:

  • Closes all the notifications associated with the transaction from the worklist and All actions Awaiting Your Attention region.
  • Removes the transactions with the Pending-Approval stage from the initiator's list of actions.
  • Deletes the transaction from the HR_API_TRANSACTIONS table.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Element Links creation through API

   CURSOR c1
      SELECT   *
        FROM   pay_element_types_f
       WHERE  element_name = 'Employee Social Insurance Arrears Payment';

   l_bg_id                   NUMBER := 102;
   l_element_link_id         NUMBER;
   l_comment_id              NUMBER;
   l_object_version_number   NUMBER;
   l_effective_start_date    DATE;
   l_effective_end_date      DATE;
   FOR rec IN c1
      l_element_link_id := NULL;
      l_comment_id := NULL;
      l_object_version_number := NULL;
      l_effective_start_date := NULL;
      l_effective_end_date := NULL;

      pay_element_link_api.create_element_link (
         p_validate                       => FALSE,
         p_effective_date                 => TO_DATE ('1-Jan-1951'),
         p_element_type_id                => rec.element_type_id,
         p_business_group_id              => l_bg_id,
         p_costable_type                  => 'N',
         p_organization_id                => NULL,
         p_job_id                         => NULL,
         p_position_id                    => NULL,
         p_people_group_id                => NULL,
         p_cost_allocation_keyflex_id     => NULL,
         p_link_to_all_payrolls_flag      => 'Y',
         p_standard_link_flag             => 'N',
         p_transfer_to_gl_flag            => 'N',
         p_comments                       => NULL,
         -- p_organization_id                   => NULL,
         p_location_id                    => NULL,
         p_grade_id                       => NULL,
         p_balancing_keyflex_id           => NULL,
         p_element_set_id                 => NULL,
         p_qualifying_age                 => NULL,
         p_qualifying_length_of_service   => NULL,
         p_qualifying_units               => NULL,
         p_balance_concat_segments           => NULL,
         p_cost_concat_segments           => NULL,
         --         p_comments                   => 'Test Migration For Element Link',
         p_element_link_id                => l_element_link_id,
         p_comment_id                     => l_comment_id,
         p_object_version_number          => l_object_version_number,
         p_effective_start_date           => l_effective_start_date,
         p_effective_end_date             => l_effective_end_date
     -- COMMIT;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (rec.element_name || ' link created');

Thursday 26 October 2017

Disable Multiform function

I had recently faced this error, where I could not get the list of values as in below screenshot.

I checked the value set definition and data was coming fine. Then my manager suggested me to check the function Navigator: Disable Multiform if it excluded. It was and when I removed the exclusion then data showed up in pop up.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Create Organization Hierarchy in Oracle HRMS using pl/sql


l_hcy_org_structure_id number;
l_hcy_obj_ver_number number;

             p_validate                           => FALSE
             , p_effective_date                     =>to_date('1-May-2017')
             , p_name                               => 'Test Hierarchy'
           , p_business_group_id            => 81
           , p_primary_structure_flag        => 'N'
           , p_position_control_structure_f     => 'N'
           , p_organization_structure_id             => l_hcy_org_structure_id
           , p_object_version_number                 => l_hcy_obj_ver_number


Tuesday 17 October 2017

Generating Payslip in R12

You must have completed the payroll runs, prepayments, and payment processes prior to generating the payslip.

Run the archive process to gather the latest payroll information.
Run the payslip archiver from the Submit Request window.
arrow icon   To run the payslip archiver:
  1. Select your country's payslip archive process in the Name field.
    Canada, China, and Netherlands: Select the Payslip Archiver.
    India: Select the Payroll Reports Archive (India).
    Ireland: Select the IE Legislative Reports Generator. See: 
    Running the Legislative Reports Generator
    Mexico: Select the Payroll Archiver. See: 
    Managing the Payroll Archiver
    South Africa: See: 
    Pay Advice Generation - Self Service (South Africa)
    UK: See: 
    Payslip Generation Self-Service
    US: See: 
    Managing the Payroll Archive
  2. Note : You must run the Payroll Archive after you have run Payroll, Pre-Payments, and NACHA but before running the Check Writer process. You run the Payroll Archive from the submit requests window.
  3. In the Parameters window, select a payroll name and consolidation set. This selects the employees for whom you want to run the report. When you select a payroll, the default consolidation set is displayed.
  4. Enter the start and end dates for the period of time you want the information extracted. You typically run this process for the same dates you ran your payroll.
  5. India: Select whether you want to mail individual payslip or view consolidated payslips in the Generate Payslip field.
  6. Choose Submit.
After running the Payroll Archiver, you can use the Payroll Actions Not Processed report to see what employees (and corresponding payroll processes) were not archived but did fall within the report's parameters.

You can view the payslip online through Self-Service.


For UAE legislation
After Payroll Run and pre payments
You need to run the following programs after prepayments to generate the payslip:

UAE Payment Output File
after that
UAE Payroll Archiver

Sunday 8 October 2017

Org Payment Method setup

1. Give Org Payment Method Name
2. Give Source Bank Details(Take from Finance consultants)
3. Select the below so that Costing of Payment is done.
4. Give the Account Information(Take from Finance consultants)

5. Select Cash Management related Bank Account
6. This is for reconciliation in Cash management reconciliation

Saturday 7 October 2017

Magnetic Transfer for UAE legislation

Magnetic Transfer in UAE prg name- UAE Payment Output File
After Payroll Run, run Prepayments and then UAE Payment Output File
This will change the status from Unpaid to Paid in Prepayments(go to Payroll Process Results and check Prepayments for any assignment) for the employees picked in payroll
This in turn will reflect in Finance module Cash Management as PAID.

Create salary proposal script in Oracle HRMS

    lb_inv_next_sal_date_warning      BOOLEAN;
    lb_proposed_salary_warning         BOOLEAN;
    lb_approved_warning                       BOOLEAN;
    lb_payroll_warning                            BOOLEAN;
    ln_pay_proposal_id                           NUMBER;
    ln_object_version_number                NUMBER;

   -- Create or Update Employee Salary Proposal
   -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
    (    -- Input data elements
         -- ------------------------------
         p_business_group_id                   => 81,
         p_assignment_id                            => 150,
         p_change_date                                => TO_DATE('1-Jan-2017'),
         p_proposed_salary_n                   => 2400,
         p_approved                                      => 'Y',
         -- Output data elements
         -- --------------------------------
         p_pay_proposal_id                       => ln_pay_proposal_id,
         p_object_version_number           => ln_object_version_number, 
         p_inv_next_sal_date_warning  => lb_inv_next_sal_date_warning,
         p_proposed_salary_warning     => lb_proposed_salary_warning,
         p_approved_warning                   => lb_approved_warning,
         p_payroll_warning                        => lb_payroll_warning
